News Room

Why Economic Growth is Job #1

It’s provincial budget season, with a federal election coming up soon. What should Finance Ministers in Canada be focusing on to try to meet the tariff winds head on and ensure the standards of living of Canadians going forward in a proactive way? The answer is to focus on economic growth. What is it, why is it important to consumers and voters and how do we measure that?

CE Savvy Summit: Advising Clients with Audit Defence in Mind

The system is just wrong!  Think of the problems your clients are having with CRA and their TFSA audits.  The TFSA contribution room on the MyAccount portal does not coincide with actual contributions, yet CRA is giving.  Another issue is the lack of use, improper use and/or set up of health spending accounts which are so important to small business owners.  How do you make sure that these plans are audit proof? Lastly, there are inheritance/crypto scams out there. . .are you talking to your clients about this?  Find out more in this informative Society of Real Wealth Managers Round Table hosted by Doug Buss,  CLU, CPCA, CFP, CEA, RWM™, FDFS™ at the September 18 Virtual CE Summit.

The Joy Factor - Unlock the Secrets to Thriving | Andreaa Vanacker

Dr. Andreaa Vanacker will share her remarkable story and experiences to help you consider the role of joy and purpose in financial decision-making. You’ll be exposed to a new perspective in encouraging those you influence, to assess their legacy and optimize their most important asset: time. Learn more, only at the Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors November 10-12 in Montreal. Register by the September 15 early-bird deadline!

Defusing the Family Business…Time Bomb

This is an annual favorite book, especially at year end tax planning time, by Jenifer Bartman and Evelyn Jacks from publisher Knowledge Bureau. It addresses a common family secret that plagues millions of Canadians from coast to coast: what to do with the family business at a time when boomers are contemplating retirement.  Will the business sell for the millions owners hope for, blow up, or just wind down?   Will family relationships survive it all?

Concerned About Capital Gains Taxes? Comment by Sept. 3!

Especially if you are working with a business owner thinking of transferring the interests in their small businesses to the next generation, consider commenting on the draft legislation released by the Federal Government on August 12.  These clients require more information about new taxing initiatives; in particular, the changes to the Capital Gains Inclusion Rates (CGIR) and the related Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption (LCGE), the new Canadian Entrepreneurs’ Incentive (CEI) and Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs).  But the rules are very complex and the deadline for response to the draft rules is short: for the CGIR rules, it’s September 3.  For the case of the CEI it’s September 11.   Here’s what you need to know:

Own a Rental Property? Claim Your Deductible Expenses

Real estate investments have been all over the news with the announcement of several new tax provisions recently.  One of these concerns residential property offered on platforms such as Airbnb or VRBO as a short term rental.   Expenses normally deductible in reducing rental income will be denied effective January 1, 2024 if the property is not in compliance with provincial or municipal laws.  That naturally leads to an important question: what is deductible if the properties fall in line with the law?  Here’s what you need to know:

Tax Breaks for Teachers

Parents and students are not the only ones who incur school supply costs.  Teachers across the country are back at school, preparing for their new classes.  In the process they might be incurring some out-of-pocket costs, which are tax deductible.  Here’s what you need to know and share with your teacher friends to shine a light on some good financial news:
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    4 votes
  • No
    83 votes