News Room

Campaign Update: Carbon Taxes And Rebates

Canadians are now into a federal election campaign and tax reductions of all kinds are on the agenda. Prime Minister Mark Carney has already reduced one of the greatest obstacles for the Liberal Party to gain re-election: the consumer carbon taxes as of April 1, 2025. Technically it is being reduced to zero, as without an act of Parliament he cannot eliminate the tax. However, the regulations behind the tax are under the purview of the Finance Minister, and on closer look, we can get a real glimpse of what’s to come should the Liberals win the election.

Canada’s Fall CE/CPD Tour:  9 Events Live Virtual and In Person

Choose your CE/CPD Adventure! Knowledge Bureau and its esteemed partners proudly present 9 impactful events for your professional development. Mark your calendar now, register below and come think, collaborate and connect with your peers – live or in person!

Acuity 2024: Innovative Solutions to Maximize Clients’ Philanthropic Goals

The Great Wealth Transfer represents an unprecedented passage of assets from one generation to the next, with approximately $1T passing from baby boomers to the next generations by 2026, but what does this generational wealth transfer mean for philanthropic giving? Although more dollars are being donated in Canada, fewer people are donating. Financial challenges are presenting barriers to donors, but so is lack of clarity of impact. Learn more from Kristin Ramlal and Evan Connell of Canada Life, only at the 2024 Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors this November.

Tax Specialists:  The Right Time to Make an Impact

Filing tax returns is for millions of households, the most important financial transaction of the year. While helping with this task is often challenging, with unprecedented complexity in tax law and a highly digitized environment at CRA, specialized tax accounting skills have helped professionals evolve into a highly rewarding career with an extremely bright future. That makes this the right time to step up,  meet the demand for more services and scale up the industry, too. Consider the following statistics and trends:

The New UHT Still Evokes a Scary Memory

Halloween is right around the corner, with the annual treats already proliferating in local retail outlets. For most tax professionals, however, this brings a reminder – if not a recurring nightmare – about the first Underused Housing Tax (UHT) filings which were abruptly aborted by CRA the afternoon of October 31. Since then, more changes to the UHT have been passed into law, specifically in Bill C-69 on June 20, 2024.  This brings more certainty to the tax and filing requirements, briefly summarized below, and an audit alert.

SimpleFile: A Summer Project

This summer another half a million people were invited to try the SimpleFile pilot project; bringing the total number of invitees to two million potential tax filers of the 2023 tax return.  The project has had minimal uptake so far:  only 50,000 people (0.2% of all tax filers) have used it in the period February 5, 2024 to September 2, 2024.  What’s the objective for this big project?

Canada’s Fall CE/CPD Tour: 9 Events September 18 - November 12

Choose your CE/CPD Adventure! Knowledge Bureau and its esteemed partners proudly present 9 impactful events for your professional development. Mark your calendar now, register below and come think, collaborate and connect with your peers – live or in person! 
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    4 votes
  • No
    108 votes