News Room

Campaign Update: Carbon Taxes And Rebates

Canadians are now into a federal election campaign and tax reductions of all kinds are on the agenda. Prime Minister Mark Carney has already reduced one of the greatest obstacles for the Liberal Party to gain re-election: the consumer carbon taxes as of April 1, 2025. Technically it is being reduced to zero, as without an act of Parliament he cannot eliminate the tax. However, the regulations behind the tax are under the purview of the Finance Minister, and on closer look, we can get a real glimpse of what’s to come should the Liberals win the election.

RSVP Now - DAC in Montreal Nov 10-12 - Save Up to 20% on Tuition Until Sept. 30!

It’s the last chance to save on early bird rates for the most important multi-advisory conference in the tax and financial services.   “We invite you to connect with 19 of Canada’s brightest and most accomplished thought leaders and in the tax, accounting and financial services industry at the 2024 Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors in Montreal November 10-12”, says  Evelyn Jacks, President of Knowledge Bureau and Program Director. “Our economic future and important tax reforms are on the agenda and, frankly, on the line.  Your experience and views will help shape opinions on the theme:  ‘Safe Havens – How To Secure Financial Futures And Build Wealth Potential’ ”.  Here is more information and how to join us.  Act by September 30 to save on tuition.

Inaugural MFA-P™ Symposium on October 30 | Strategic Charitable Giving

The inaugural MFA-P Symposium will be held in Toronto on October 30th, 2024. You’ll experience six dynamic sessions from industry leaders designed specifically to help advisors engage their clients about strategic charitable giving. It’s an opportunity to meet peers and industry leaders who can help you build your business.

Practice Management | Priorities for Building Your Multi-Disciplinary Firm

Our dynamic panel of experienced, professional business builders and FDFS™ featuring Jim Ruta, Steven Furtado, Carol Willes, Martin Luc Derome will challenge you to re-think the four “Big Rocks” needed to build a practice that regenerates and evolves with change. Four key opportunities will be discussed at the 2024 Conference for Distinguished Advisors this November in Montreal:

Post-Secondary Students’ Education Assistance Confirmed

Is there a prospective teacher, social worker or midwife in the family?   An educational seminar about the new tax and student debt assistance available to Canadian families may be a good way to celebrate the busy back to school month of September.    Here’s an overview:

When to File a Notice of Objection

Taxpayers may file a Notice of Objection when they disagree with CRA’s assessment or reassessment of their tax returns.  That’s the first step in the appeals process.  Students at this week’s CE Savvy Summit learned firsthand at a live virtual day of presentations about the changes to the appeals process that can now impact taxpayers in a more significant way. The program is now available for listening and learning online.  An overview of important deadlines is discussed below.   

How Will Tax Audits of the Future Develop?

How will Tax Audits of the Future Develop?   Knowledge Bureau CE Savvy Summit audiences heard fascinating presentations this week on tax changes to know from recent draft legislation, including the dramatic shift in the balance of power in favor of CRA vs the Taxpayer.  This is very concerning especially as we learn more about the proposed new Notice of Non-Compliance Rules.  It’s not too late to sign up for the Knowledge Bureau’s CE Savvy Summit and Audit Defence Course for access to the complete recorded presentations on these complex provisions and learn how new powers will dominate in the relationship a taxpayer and their accountants have with CRA. . . and what to do about this. Plus, you have an opportunity to earn your Diploma in Advanced Family Tax Compliance!
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    4 votes
  • No
    108 votes