News Room

Canada Needs a Financial Plan

According to a July 23 publication by the Fraser Institute, we are getting poorer here in Canada and the prospects for economic growth are looking grim.  This should be of concern to every Canadian concerned about their “real income” – that’s their purchasing power – and by extension - their ability to fund consumption now and for important family milestones in the future:  retirements, education and homeownership.  It’s grim, but there are practical suggestions for a turn around plan. Here’s a synopsis of the report.   

10 Reasons to Consider a Career in Bookkeeping

As long as there are businesses, there will be a need for bookkeepers. According to the Department of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)*, the outlook for employment opportunities for Bookkeepers over the next three years looks promising for those looking to join the industry or continue in it. Out of 13 provinces and territories, 8 have a “fair” outlook for employment opportunities, while Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Manitoba, and the Yukon Territories all have “good” employment outlooks. Here are the top 10 reasons to consider a career in Bookkeeping:

Tax Planning: Prescribed Interest Rates Remain Unchanged

As predicted by bond rates, the interest rate due on overdue taxes and the prescribed interest rate for non-arm’s length loans remains unchanged for the third quarter of 2019. However, these interest rates still have a significant impact on 2019 tax planning, particularly for those who want to avoid undue balances owing to the CRA. Knowledge Bureau’s Income Tax Estimator can help taxpayers and their tax pros employ tax-efficient strategies that reduce income tax owing that could be subject to interest.

Tax Treatment of Employee Stock Options: The Role of Financial Advisors

Employee stock options can help companies attract and retain talented employees by providing a supplementary source of compensation that is linked to the future success of the company. Current tax rules provide a preferential personal income tax treatment in the form of a stock option deduction, which effectively tax stock option income like capital gains. But that’s about to change, and advisors working with HNW executives need to come up to speed.

Climate Action Incentive Payments: Claimed by 97% of Eligible Families

There have been several new tax and economic developments on climate change this month. Statistics on the Climate Action Incentive (CAI) payments became available, Albertans repealed their provincial carbon levy and the Final Report from the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance was released.

Executives: Mid-Summer Tax Planning Will Maximize Stock Option Benefits

For executives who are compensated in part with stock options, mid-summer tax planning will be especially important this year. The Notice of Ways and Means Motion, introducing draft legislation to implement a $200,000 limitation to the stock options deduction will take effect in 2020 for employees of large, mature, public companies. If your client is an executive in one, it’s important to schedule a tax planning discussion.

2019 Distinguished Advisor Conference: Meet the Speakers

We’ve rarely been as excited as we are this year for the Distinguished Advisor Conference, and this is largely due to the incredible agenda, speakers, sponsors and networking activities we’re proud to share with you. Plus, you’ll save $100 on tuition fees if you register this month.
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?

  • Yes
    136 votes
  • No
    27 votes