News Room

February 2025 Poll

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

Form T1206: Understand the Onus of Proof Under TOSI

TOSI, a most controversial provision introduced on July 17, 2017 is now in its second reporting year. As many companies are  preparing T5 slips, dividends distributed from certain professional corporations must be properly reported for non-active members of the family. Tax specialists will want to discuss where the onus of proof lies for proper reporting and brush up on the complex rules and their impact using tax form T120.

It’s Time for New Home Ownership, But at What Cost?

The home is the most significant asset for many Canadian households. It can bolster personal net worth, and once paid off it reduces future costs of living. Before tax season starts and the RRSP season ends, it’s important to bring this conversation to the forefront for clients like Millennials and Boomers, in particular. Learn why in the first of this three-part article:

Now Available: Master Your Retirement, 10th Anniversary Edition

Best-selling author Doug Nelson, CFP, CLU, MFA™, RWM™, CIM, is a 27-year veteran of the financial services industry in Canada with a singular vision for his readers:  Don’t just “do” retirement…instead “Master Your Retirement”!  And he has some upbeat advice for those still worried about the one big question all retirees have. 

Big Issues, Big Achievements, Big Fun at DAC Acuity 2020

The 2020s are starting out in tumultuous fashion. The economic impact of ongoing concerns like climate change, global pandemics, global political risks and local strike actions of various kinds all have impact on financial decision-making. Issues that are much different than decades past require bold thought and bright insights.  For these reasons, Canada’s premiere advisors won’t want to miss DAC Acuity 2020, October 28-30 in Niagara Falls. Early registration discounts end February 15.

Tax Specialists Know T1, T2, T3 Filing: Flexible Study Times Now Available

We know you are about to get really busy, but that’s no reason to stop honing your skills as a multi-dimensional tax specialist. This week, take advantage of a sweet Valentine’s offer to pursue your Certified Tax Practitioner Diploma . . .plus you can start whenever you want. That’s right, your study plan is completely customizable!

Big News at CRA: Form T1013 Discontinued

CRA is changing how professionals are being authorized to represent their clients this year. Form T1013 Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative is being replaced effective February 10, 2020 in favor of new digital processes. Plus, there are some new forms on the horizon for offline authorizations and some good news that will especially help when families lose a loved one. 
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

  • Yes
    2 votes
  • No
    0 votes