News Room

Canada Needs a Financial Plan

According to a July 23 publication by the Fraser Institute, we are getting poorer here in Canada and the prospects for economic growth are looking grim.  This should be of concern to every Canadian concerned about their “real income” – that’s their purchasing power – and by extension - their ability to fund consumption now and for important family milestones in the future:  retirements, education and homeownership.  It’s grim, but there are practical suggestions for a turn around plan. Here’s a synopsis of the report.   

Freedom 55: Definitely Not a Modern Trend

Freedom 55 for Boomers? Unfortunately not.  Canada’s average age of retirement is on the rise. The average age across all retirees in Canada was 63.8, rising steadily from 63 years of age in 2014, according Statistics Canada*. Who is working longer – employed or self-employed people? The trends are interesting and speak to the need for proactive planning.

Increase Capital Gains Rate? 90% of Pros Say It’s a Bad Idea

Will the current income inclusion rate of 50% for capital gains be increased to 75% after the next federal election? It’s an idea that’s been floated by at least one of the parties and a bad one at that, says the vast majority of KBR July poll respondents. Many are especially concerned about a lack of fairness, and a dire impact on the Canadian economy, and they had plenty to say about that.   

Tax: The Secret Ingredient to Resilience

Tax knowledge matters. It’s the hot value-add for anyone in the business of providing financial advice. Two new reports highlight why: the tax burden of the average Canadian is significant, and helping your clients understand key tax savings opportunities matters when implementing sound wealth management strategies today.

Are You an Influential Leader? It’s Quite Possible!

Good leaders are hard to find. It’s a secret ingredient for business and career growth because these skills can help you navigate the significant changes that are occurring in the economy today. Why does it matter? Because you will be better able to grow a highly engaged team for your mutual success. It's the key reason why the Business Builder Retreat (BBR), this November in Puerto Vallarta, is such an important learning opportunity. You’ll be treated to the wisdoms and experience of Knowledge Bureau author of the course Business Leadership, Culture, and Continuity, Joanne Sigurdson who will be joined by 7 other compelling speakers and holistic health practitioners to enlighten you as you build your strategic leadership skills.

DAC Delegates in the News: Chenine Humphrey, DFA – Bookkeeping Services Specialist™

Chenine Humphrey attended the Distinguished Advisor Conference (DAC) for the third consecutive year and shares her enthusiasm for the experience: “I literally sat riveted at the edge of my seat, gleaning a wealth of information and knowledge throughout the conference!”

Recession-Proofing:  Economic Resilience Key to Weathering a Potential Storm

With increasing fears of an imminent recession on the horizon, it is useful to remember September 15, 2008. That’s when the fourth largest investment bank in the U.S., Lehman Brothers, applied for the largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history. It was a shock that exasperated the financial crisis that followed. Does the Canadian economy have the economic resilience to compete powerfully through another dramatic downturn? It’s the heady theme advisors will explore at this year’s Distinguished Advisor Conference, November 10-13 in Puerto Vallarta, together with 19 outstanding thought leaders. Meet them and their interesting topics in this Special Report.
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?

  • Yes
    136 votes
  • No
    27 votes