News Room

February 2025 Poll

In your view will the new U.S. tariffs affect your clients’ business and retirement plans?

A New Financial Conversation: Personal Health Risk Management

The pandemic has brought a grim reality to personal financial planning:  long term care is fraught with personal health risks. Canadians are worried about the care they will receive as they age, and it’s an issue that tax and financial advisors can help with proactively as part of purposeful year end tax planning. There are three issues to consider.

Nov. 18: Planning for Owner-Managers of Private Corporations

Do you need to know more about corporate taxes and year end planning for corporate owner-managers? Many personal tax practitioners and financial advisors struggle with understanding the rules for setting up small business corporations, investing within them, and withdrawing funds most tax efficiently. Now, you can have confident knowledge after one day: November 18 at the Virtual CE Summit.

Graduates:  RSVP for the Virtual Graduation Ceremony, October 30 at DAC

Calling all graduates! If you graduated from a Knowledge Bureau Designation, Diploma or Certificate Course after July 1, 2019, we’re inviting you to attend your Virtual Graduation Ceremony at 9:00 AM CST on October 30. Be sure to RSVP now.  It’s free to attend, and we look forward to honouring your tremendous educational achievements this year.

DAC Attendees: Share Your DAC-in-a-Box Reveal

Get in on the secret and see what’s in the  DAC-in-a-Box!  The first kits have shipped out, and we’re encouraging all attendees to make their big reveal in the Whova event app. Show us what you’re most excited about receiving by sharing a photo; it might just enter you to win a special prize! But shhh…. Let’s keep the secret between us in Whova.  Not registered yet?  Share in the fun: enrol by October 15.  Here’s a sneak peek: 

Taxpayer Right Tips: Relief & Fairness Provisions

During these tough financial times, when loan deferrals end and taxes are due, many more Canadians will face financial hardship. That makes the last quarter of the year an important one for proactive client conversations. What can tax and financial advisors do? If the issue is a disputed tax reassessment an important tool is to use the Taxpayer Relief Provisions.  

Minimum Basic Income Poll: Do Tax & Financial Pros Endorse It?

It was neck-and-neck all the way.  When we asked our readers in the September KBR poll if they thought a Minimum Basic Income should be introduced in Canada, 48.6% of participants said yes, while 51.4% said no. Their comments, which demonstrate just how complex this issue is, speak for themselves…