News Room

Capital Gains Chaos: Extensions & Unprecedented Delays to Tax Season 2025

Stop! Don’t file a T1 or T3 tax return yet, says a March 11, 2025, news release from the CRA, if you have been impacted by the chaos of the proposed capital gains inclusion rate increase.

DAC at a Glance

The 2020 Distinguished Advisor Conference set a high standard for virtual conferences with a unique blend of information, education, inspiration and recreation. We are working  hard to bring DAC back to a live format, October 17-19 in Niagara Falls*, with a great mix of networking activities to celebrate – together! If you register by the February 15 early-bird deadline, you can save $400 on tuition, too! Take a peek at what we’ve got in store for you so far:

Surprise Reporting Requirements: CEBA Loan Forgiveness

Hundreds of advisors from coast to coast were caught off guard at Knowledge Bureau’s January 20 CE Summit with the news that the forgivable portion of the CEBA loan is taxable when the loan is received.

Taxation of Employer-Provided Benefits to Change in 2021

The pandemic has wreaked havoc on personal and business lives and continues to do so. Those in the bookkeeping and tax accounting services will need to digest and properly report various pandemic relief provisions including the new detailed information required on new T4 Slips – requirements for all employers, by the way.


It’s officially both TFSA and RRSP season.  Both plans are a tax-assisted gift to future financial freedom and based on recently released 2018 CRA statistics, Canadians have embraced their TFSA opportunities.  What’s particularly encouraging is that it’s a savings plan both Millennials and GenXers have embraced; an important consideration for tax and financial advisors who want to add value to these relationships.

The January 20 CE Summit ‘Wow’ Factor

Esteemed Canadian tax experts delivered cutting edge personal tax filing information with a “wow” factor punctuated by huge audience participation at the Virtual CE Summit this week.  Over 700 questions were received from an audience of over 350 professionals nation-wide – the largest one-day participation yet.  Here’s what they said about the important tax and financial insights shared:

Tax Implications of Separation & Divorce

Will separations and divorces increase due to the pandemic?  Unemployment can be a factor that leads to a spike in separations and divorces; as a result, tax and financial advisors need to understand the tax rules if they see this trend in the 2021 tax filing season.
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?

  • Yes
    1 votes
  • No
    51 votes