News Room

Canada Needs a Financial Plan

According to a July 23 publication by the Fraser Institute, we are getting poorer here in Canada and the prospects for economic growth are looking grim.  This should be of concern to every Canadian concerned about their “real income” – that’s their purchasing power – and by extension - their ability to fund consumption now and for important family milestones in the future:  retirements, education and homeownership.  It’s grim, but there are practical suggestions for a turn around plan. Here’s a synopsis of the report.   

A New Economy Demands a New Tax Services Model

The role of the tax specialist is an essential service as families must file tax returns to qualify for important social benefits amidst a devastating and stressful global event: the COVID Pandemic.  Worse, stressed families face onerous self-assessment procedures for government programs like CERB and the various business loans and wage subsidies. To get the best after-tax results for these families, highly trained tax services specialists must understand investment, retirement, business and estate planning strategies. Only a Knowledge Bureau Education provides all of these elements in its online designation programs.

New Course! Personal Pension Planning

Knowledge Bureau is pleased to announce the publication of a new certificate course, Personal Pension Planning For Corporate Owner-Managers, by JP Laporte, CEO, INTEGRIS Pension Management Corp and Mark Taucar, CFA, Porfolio Manager, Accilent Capital Management Inc.  It’s a must for any advisor who is working with owner-managers or professionals in this challenging pandemic environment.

Warning Tax Credit Recipients: File Your 2019 Return or Repay

In the fray of the pandemic, tax filing deadlines have come and gone, with the most recent being the June 1 personal tax filing deadline.  Governments have been committed to keeping tax benefits flowing based on the 2018 return and will even waive late filing penalties and interest for failure to file.  But a big reckoning is coming at midnight on September 1.

The CRA “Gotcha” Crackdown:  CERB and CEWS Fraudsters Beware

The CERB auditing has begun. Unfortunately, with a bit of “gotcha” scenario. The CRA is starting to crack down on those who are “misusing” the federal Canadian Emergency Response Benefits by introducing a tip line to report fraudsters.  It’s too bad that the CRA has not given the repayment option portals the same fanfare. Tax and financial advisors can help, though.

MIA: 30% of T1 Returns Remain Unfiled

The official extended June 1 tax filing deadline has past, but of course there is an unofficial deadline of September 1 still ahead. No late filing penalties or interest will be charged for those who file by then, so it’s not surprising that T1 tax filing season isn’t truly over yet.  In fact, 30% of all T1 returns filed last year are still missing in action.

OAS and GIS COVID-19 Seniors Payments: Not for Everyone

As part of the emergency pandemic assistance programs, a new benefit was introduced for seniors – for some, but not all. Those receiving OAS will receive a $300 one-time payment, and those receiving GIS will receive an additional $200. But do those who chose to postpone their benefits qualify too?
Knowledge Bureau Poll Question

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?

  • Yes
    134 votes
  • No
    27 votes